Saturday 18 June 2016

Gaara and I

Today I took Gaara for a walk......and he ended up taking me for a walk!!  He pulled me along, mom just had to steer. It was very cool!  I tried a watermelon cantaloupe Italian soda with whipped cream (very good) and I looked after Gaara while Lynice ran into the store for milk.  I can't wait for Kristopher to see how well Gaara pulls me. 😊. 

Might have worn him out though!


  1. hahah! That's so amazing!! Well done Gaara!! :-D

  2. Gaara looks like he is having fun nice that you could take him for a walk! All dogs are keen on that.
    We just got home today...our dog looks like Gaara in the last photo...she is dreaming and running it looks like in her sleep...most likely reliving her last swimming episode...she loves to swim for sticks....she even chose swimming over having an ice cream cone...just how spoiled is our dog??? hahaha
    Thanks for sharing your adventure!!!

  3. Looks like you have your own personal sled dog, Kennen! ;)
    How cute is that picture!
