Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Glenallen to Lynice!

Great day of travel, saw 3 grizzly bears (mom and 2 cubs) in the Tahneta Pass close to Glenallen. Stopped for pizza at Palmer. And the best part - got a hug from Lynice at her work in Soldotna. 

Still lots of snow in the mountains. 

Hopefully Kris will be home next week!!


  1. Those bears are freakishly close!! lol So cool! Autumn thought that was pretty impressive when I showed her the pics. Great photo of you and Lynice!! :) *hugs* to everyone!

  2. Oh wow...so jealous that you saw grizzlies...I was on the hunt all day today...but no luck..we did see some elk and one had a super tiny babe with stripes and dots like a deer young...never seen that before. But sigh...you saw grizzlies...so jealous.
    Yesterday we were in a snow storm...seriously...on top of a mountain near Kokanee Glacier park...just amazing place...amazing...I will share some photos with you when I get to them...ha...so many trips ahead to deal with too!!!
    we are in Lethbridge right now...on our way home tomorrow...it will be fun to get there too.
    Nice that you got to have a hug from Lynice! Have a wonderful visit.
